No stress on the day of the Granfondo

What final preparations are you making?

It's the night before your goal for the year starts and you're in bed. You want to have a good night's sleep and be rested at the start. An imaginary checklist plays out in your head, on repeat. Get this ready, check that, grab your sister and do the same. Of course, nothing should be missing. We will help you with the final preparations, so that you can go to sleep with peace of mind!
What makes a Gran Fondo different from a normal ride?

A Granfondo is an organized (large) event on a specific day. Often this is your main goal for the year, it has to be done that day! That feels very different from a normal ride, which you can always adapt to circumstances. It feels a bit like a top athlete working towards an important competition.

An organized event also comes with rules. This way you have a starting number, starting box and location. There are usually also care and material stations along the way. From years of experience with, among others, the Granfondo's Strade Bianche, Il Lombardia and Maratona dles Dolomites we draw the following tips.

The day before

On the day itself you only want to worry about cycling, eating and drinking. So perform. That is why it is smart to arrange, do or prepare all peripheral matters the day in advance. Cycle for another hour at a leisurely pace. Then make sure your bicycle is in good condition.

The bicycle

Check whether your shifting group works normally and whether your brakes respond properly. Also check your (almost) new tires for possible weak spots and remove any glass. Then inflate your tires, clean your bike (free morals!) and lubricate your chain when it is completely dry.

Also read: Your bicycle in optimal condition during your cycling holiday?

Make sure you have tie wraps and use them to attach your starting number to your bike. Also arranged again. Sometimes you also receive a sticker with all the important points of the ride, which you can stick on your frame or handlebars. Finally, think about what items you will take with you in case you have a material breakdown and attach them to your bicycle, for example in a saddle bag. Finally, load the route on your bicycle computer and ensure that it and your bicycle lights are charged on your bicycle. Your bike is ready!

Food and clothing

It is also nice to think about what your nutrition plan will be. Prepare all the food you want to take with you. There are usually aid stations along the way, but eat what you are used to. This way you prevent any stomach problems. Bring enough! Also fill your bottles in advance and put them in the bottle holders of your bicycle. Is it expected to be very warm? Then keep them in the refrigerator and put a reminder in your phone. Also think about what you are going to have for breakfast and prepare it.

Also read: Cycling in the mountains: Stacking! Or not?

Check the weather forecast.

Not only in the valley, but also on the mountain tops. Based on this you decide what you wear. Have this ready for the next morning and attach your starting number with safety pins. Add clothing for on the go, such as a windbreaker, to put in your back pockets. Or you can put them in the handlebar bag on your bike if you have one. Of course, don't forget your shoes and helmet.

Also read: You go on a cycling holiday and take with you

Sweet Dreams, and see you tomorrow

Consider how you will get to the starting area and how much time this will take. In addition, it is advisable to have breakfast at least 2 hours before the start. Set your alarm and you're done. Good night! Does the tension still keep you awake? Don't worry, you're ready. A worse night's sleep won't change this. Final tips: go to the toilet in the morning and don't start too hard. Good luck and have fun!

What was your biggest miss right before a Gran Fondo? Let us know in the comments! 
I was happy that there was a hotel with a toilet right next to the starting area. Two minutes before the start I was back on the bike and had a very good day.

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