How do you prevent travel legs?
Tips to prevent heavy legs the day after the car ride
We leave at 4:00 in the morning for Northeast Italy. The ride goes very smoothly and we arrive at 2:30 PM. Time for a warm-up ride to loosen up your legs. A shower is forecast (this turned out to be a waterfall), but that doesn't bother us. We set out a tour. The climb turned out to be a lot tougher than expected. On the one hand due to the gradients, and on the other hand due to a heavy feeling of pain in the legs. How do you largely avoid this feeling?

How does this feeling arise?
During such a car ride you naturally sit still for the most part. Your muscles are in a resting position and blood flow decreases as a result. For a number of people, this causes an accumulation of fluid, which literally gives you slightly thicker legs. It may take some time for this effect to reverse. Therefore, start your first bike ride easy, so that you engage your muscles and expel this moisture.
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Prevention is better than cure
You can reduce this effect by regularly moving your legs during the car journey. This is allowed without resistance, but ensures that they do not come into a complete rest position. In addition, it is smart to stop every 2 to 2.5 hours and then take a walk and/or do some exercises. You can also wear compression stockings to stimulate blood circulation. Finally, it seems that eating enough and especially drinking can also have a positive effect.
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Accept that you are not exactly 100%
The fact that you are not immediately 100% on your first bike ride in a different environment is not only due to the phenomenon of travel legs. It has been proven that your body needs to acclimatize for several days. For example, if it is much warmer or colder at your destination. Or if your destination is at altitude. During the week and rides you will notice that you are getting stronger. Through training, but especially through the adaptation of your body.
What are your experiences with travel legs? Do you have any other tips? Let us know in the comments!
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